
To address the renal dysfunction characteristics at male with chronic glomerulonephritis in the terms of Cardiovascular and renal continuum. Materials and methods: There are 73 male with proven case o f chronic glomerulonephritis in age from 22 to 60 years old, average rate 35,9±11,1 years were examination in the framework o f that study. Wherefroin at 34 patients, the CDV, CHD, rhythm disturbance. LVH, chronic heart failure were handed and at 39 patients were not handed. Clinical examination was including itself anamnesis, biochemical and routine methods of study. The age o f patients, assumed cholesterol rate, cholesterol I IDL. LDL. triglycerides, concentration o f fibrinogen, TP, creatinine in serum, the presence of concomitant diseases were estimated too. Patients were examining with BP, ECG, US-Heart also. Results: Chronic glomerulonephritis in male has a conjugated bond with earlier development of CVD (average age 35,4±10,8 years). Presence of CVD in male on underdialysis stage o f chronic glomerulonephritis was associated with calcium higher level, accomplishing of anemia with lowerHb concentration and higher level of creatinine concentration in serum (131(91-193) vs. 88 (76-118) p=0,021), difference with male with chronic glomerulonephritis without CVD. Conclusion: Main factors, contribute development of CVD at the patients on underdialysis stage o f chronic glomerulonephritis are: conjugating o f anemia, hypocalcaemia and decrease of GFR that was accompanied with increase of creatinine in serum.


chronic glomerulonephritis, cardiovascular disease (CVD), anemia, glomerular filtration rate (GFR)


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How to Cite

Муркамилов, И., Б. Иманов, and Р. Калиев. “CARDIOVASCULAR CONTINUUM INVESTIGATED AT THE MALE WITH CHRONIC GLOMERULONEPHRITIS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Nov. 2024, pp. 41-47,

