This study presents an original method for surgical correction of femoral neck fractures in elderly and senile patients. The main emphasis is on the use of hemiarthroplasty of the hip joint as an effective way to restore the anatomical and functional characteristics of the joint. This article reviews the technical aspects of the procedure, clinical observations, and long-term patient outcomes with an extended follow-up period. The presented approach demonstrates the prospects for improving the surgical treatment of this type of fractures in age groups, which makes it a significant contribution to the practice of orthopedic surgery. This article is devoted to the original method of hemiarthroplasty of the hip joint for a fracture of the femoral neck in elderly and elderly people, its stages of implementation, which ensure tight attachment of the hip joint capsule to the anatomical site to further prevent dislocation of the endoprosthesis in the postoperative period and early supportability on the operated limb. Conclusion: after hemiarthroplasty, fixation of the posterior part of the hip joint capsule, tunneling, suturing the hip joint capsule through the tunnel tightly and hermetically strengthens them, and prevents dislocation (dislocation) in the postoperative period. The method we proposed for suturing the hip joint capsule is easy to use, does not require special training of a doctor, and promotes rapid recovery and rehabilitation of the operated limb.
femoral neck fracture, elderly and senile age, bipolar endoprosthesisReferences
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