The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive rehabilitation program adapted for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) in the intermediate and late periods of recovery. The study included 87 patients (63% men, 37% women) aged 19 to 68 years who underwent surgical correction. A comprehensive assessment was carried out, including an analysis of complaints, medical history, somatic and neurological status, as well as spinal biomechanics.
The rehabilitation protocol included drug therapy, kinesiotherapy, massage, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, thermal treatment and acupuncture. The results showed significant effectiveness: 79% of patients achieved significant improvement and 21% achieved partial functional recovery. There were no unsatisfactory outcomes recorded.
The discussion highlights the importance of a systems approach to rehabilitation that takes into account the phases of injury and the individual needs of patients. The study highlights the critical role of early and comprehensive intervention in improving patient outcomes and preventing residual effects and complications.
In conclusion, the study supports the effectiveness of a multifactorial rehabilitation approach in improving functional and social outcomes in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) in the intermediate and late recovery periods.
vertebral and spinal cord injury, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, pain syndromeReferences
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