
The study presents the results of a study of the main pathways for the development of diagnosis and treatment of sigmoid volvulus. The predisposing factors and causes of the development of a sigmoid colon volvulus were studied. The features of the anamnesis in this category of patients are presented. The main clinical, radiological signs of a twist of the sigmoid colon are determined. Technological advances in imaging help optimize the diagnostic process. Some conservative methods of treatment are used to improve the patient’s condition and reduce symptoms of sigmoid inversion. However, sigmoid resection is the treatment of choice for sigmoid inversions. The results of emergency operations for colon volvulus have a high degree of complication and
mortality. In a study conducted at the National Surgical Center of the Kyrgyz Republic, mortality was 20.8% in patients after emergency operations for sigmoid inversion, compared with 7.7% in patients after elective procedures with prior decompression. Mortality was correlated between emergency operations (p <0.01) and colon necrosis (p <0.05). Other less invasive treatments are also used. The effectiveness of endoscopic rectopexy, extraperitonization of the sigmoid colon, laparoscopic rectopexy and mesosigmoplication is noted. Laparoscopic approaches to colon resection have been successfully used.


sigmoid inversion, intestinal decompression, colon resection.


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How to Cite

Сопуев, А., А. Мамбетов, К. Мурзакалыков, М. Ормонов, О. Салибаев, and Н. Талипов. “TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC ASPECTS OF SIGMOID VOLVULUS”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Dec. 2020, pp. 48-58, doi:10.54890/.v1i1.14.

