The aim of this work was to improve the simple and rational method of cranioplastic surgery using grafts and to prove using objective methods of investigation that applying titanium meshes as grafts provides favorable effect to the brain and helps to significant improvement of destroyed functions.
This work based on comparative results analysis of cranioplastic surgery using different plastic grafts for 98 patients with posttraumatic skull vault defects. Out of 98 patients with skull vault defects, in 50 patients plastic surgery for skull vault defects was performed using protacryl plates, and 48 patients were operated on using titanium meshes.
There were investigared 98 patients with skull vault defects. The age of patients was from 17 to 82 years. Males are 92 (93,9±5,4%) and females - 6 (6,1±2,3%).
Direct and remote results of cranioplastic surgery for skull vault defects have showed that using of titanium meshes to be the most effective and convenient method.
Skull brain injury, cranial defects, sequels of skull brain injury, protacryl plate, titanium meshes.References
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