
The authors conducted an epidemiological study of 2,750 patients who were treated in Bishkek hospitals for the period 2017-2022. The distribution of focal brain injuries by lobular localization was as follows: frontal lobe – 47.1%, temporal lobe – 40.6%; parietal lobe – 12.6%; occipital lobe and cerebellum – 2.1%. Of these, 72 patients underwent surgical treatment, and 44 patients were treated conservatively, including intensive therapy. They studied the clinical and
computed tomographic transformation of focal lesions – bruises, fractures and hematomas of the brain substance, which can be represented as follows: an increase in perifocal and lobar edema – 2-6 days; expansion of the foci of bruising and softening to 7-9 days; regression of intracranial hypertension – 3-4 weeks; regression of meningeal symptoms and rehabilitation of cerebrospinal fluid – 2-3 weeks; complete or significant normalization of neurological and mental status – 5-7 weeks; the transition from the hyperdensive phase of a hematoma or hemorrhagic lesion to an isodensive one – 3-4 weeks; their transition from an isodensive phase to a hypodensive one – 4-5 weeks; resorption of a hematoma followed by a change to the cystic cavity – 2-3 months. A new differentiated approach is proposed in choosing the method and type of treatment for brain injuries.


skull brain injury, brain contusion, focal brain injuries, diagnostics, management.

Author Biographies

M.M. Mamytov, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Neurosurgery for undergraduate and postgraduate education

B.J. Turganbaev, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Neurosurgery for undergraduate and postgraduate education

Т. Абдыкапар уулу, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Neurosurgery for undergraduate and postgraduate education


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How to Cite

Мамытов, М., Б. Турганбаев, Э. Эсенбаев, and Т. Абдыкапар уулу. “TREATMENT OF BRAIN CONTUSIONS USING A DIFFERENTIATED CONCEPT ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Oct. 2024, pp. 126-31, doi:10.54890/1694-8882-2024-3-126.

