
Computed tomography (CT) has become an integral tool in the diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngological diseases. This article discusses the role and significance of the use of computed tomography in otolaryngology, and also compares its advantages compared to traditional x-ray examination.
The use of computed tomography in otolaryngology provides a high degree of accuracy in visualizing the structures of the ear, nose and throat, which makes it possible to diagnose various pathologies with high sensitivity and specificity. CT has the ability to create three-dimensional images, which facilitates the understanding of anatomical relationships and allows for more accurate planning of surgical interventions.
The main advantages of computed tomography in otolaryngology compared to traditional x-ray examination are higher resolution, the ability to visualize in detail soft tissues and pathological changes, as well as improved diagnostic information about the structures of the middle and inner ear.
Thus, computed tomography plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngological patients, providing more accurate and complete information about pathological processes and anatomical structures. Its advantages over traditional x-ray examination make it the preferred examination method in many clinical situations.


computed tomography, otolaryngology, diagnosis, treatment.

Author Biography

N.K. Kasiev, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N.Yeltsin, faculty of Medicine

Department of Public Health and Healthcare 


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How to Cite

Маманов, М., and Н. Касиев. “COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF OTOLARYNGOLOGICAL PATIENTS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2024, pp. 141-5,

