
This research aimed to enhance the efficacy of surgical treatment for liver echinococcosis by incorporating cutting-edge technologies. Over a decade, 213 patients underwent surgery at the "Astghik" Medical Center, with 43 individuals presenting complicated forms of the disease. The patients were divided into two groups: the first undergoing open echinococcectomy (159 patients), and the second undergoing closed echinococcectomy using advanced equipment (54 patients).
The study provided comprehensive insights into patient demographics, concomitant diseases, and diagnostic methods, emphasizing the importance of serological reactions for accurate diagnosis. Notably, the second group's closed echinococcectomy demonstrated superior outcomes, including shorter treatment durations, reduced postoperative bleeding, and fewer complications compared to the open surgery group. Furthermore, the recurrence rate in the closed echinococcectomy group was significantly lower, highlighting its efficacy in preventing disease relapse.
Postoperative care and outcomes were meticulously examined, showcasing that patient in the closed echinococcectomy group experienced quicker recovery and fewer complications, leading to a higher rate of complete recovery upon discharge. The study also addressed the financial aspect, emphasizing the cost-effectiveness of the closed echinococcectomy approach, reducing financial burdens associated with antiparasitic drug treatment.
In conclusion, the research underscores the benefits of closed echinococcectomy, recommending its preference whenever possible due to its effectiveness in preventing complications, reducing recurrence rates, and optimizing postoperative recovery, all contributing to improved patient outcomes.


liver echinococcus, ideal echinococcectomy, Surgical Treatment, Closed Echinococcectomy, Postoperative Complications, Concomitant Diseases.

Author Biographies

H. Harutyunyan, Yerevan State Medical University

Department of General Surgery

H. Barseghyan, Yerevan State Medical University

Department of General Surgery

A. Voskanyan, Yerevan State Medical University

Department of Endoscopic and Endocrine Surgery

A.A. Harutyunyan, Yerevan State Medical University

Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization

A.S. Chopikyan, Yerevan State Medical University

Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization

A.E. Tadevosyan, Yerevan State Medical University

Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organization


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How to Cite

Harutyunyan, H., H. Barseghyan, A. Voskanyan, A. Harutyunyan, A. Chopikyan, and A. Tadevosyan. “CURRENT APPROACHES IN THE TREATMENT OF LIVER HYDATID ECHINOCOCCOSIS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2024, pp. 90-96,

