
The purpose of the work was to analyze the tincture of calendula officinalis flowers, which is part of a therapeutic and cosmetic ointment with phytocomponents, for the content of biologically active substances.
The object of the study is the flowers of calendula cultivated in the Turkestan region and the tincture of calendula officinalis flowers
Used physico-chemical and technological methods of analysis.
At the first stage, a tincture of calendula officinalis flowers using 70% alcohol was prepared by the method of modified maceration. The sum of flavanoids and carotenoids was determined as the necessary components for the selected dosage form. The optical density was measured using a spectrophotometer using cuvettes with a thickness of 10 mm at a wavelength of 412 nm to determine the amount of flavanoids. 
The amount of carotenoids was determined using the optical density of the test solution on a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 450 nm in a cuvette with a layer thickness of 10 mm. Hexane was used as a comparison solution. The amount of carotenoids in the tincture was calculated in terms of β-carotene in mg%.
Thus, the methods of obtaining tincture from calendula officinalis flowers as a basis for the development of dosage forms with phytocomponents are substantiated.


calendula officinalis, flavanoids, carotenoids, extractive substances, acne


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How to Cite

Керимжанов, Т., Г. Утегенова, Қ. Зикирова, Р. Анарбаева, К. Шертаева, and О. Блинова. “PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF DOSAGE FORMS BASED ON CALENDULA OFFICINALIS FLOWERS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2024, pp. 79-83,

