Summary. The article reflects the results of the analysis of cases of forensic medical examination of the corpses of persons who died from COVID-19 in 2020. It was established that in 2020, 1,361 investigated corpses were registered in the thanatology department, of which 232 deaths occurred from COVID-19. The largest number of deaths from COVID-19 was registered in the m onth of July (149 cases out of 262 corpses examined this month). Polymerase chain reaction o f 89 (38.4% ) confirmed cases, 53 (22.8% ) unconfirm ed cases, and unspecified bronchopneum onia (J 18.0) - 90 cases (38.8%). Mortality among males was 65.1% (151 cases), females - 34.9% (81 cases). In 43.5% (101 cases), corpses were delivered to the morgue from houses, in 9.9% (23) - from the street, in 4 cases (1.7% ) - from tem porary shelters.
Macroscopically, the target organ-lungs looked enlarged, filled the chest cavity, the visceral pleura, thickened, dark bluish color, the lungs felt dense in places, airy in places, weighing about 1400.0 dark red hem orrhages w ith fairly clear boundaries, in the lum en o f individual bronchioles there are dark red throm bi, bronchioles are thickened, w hen the lung tissue is compressed, a foamy-hemorrhagic fluid flows out. The myocardium in the section, especially o f the left section, in hem orrhages o f banded, rounded forms o f dark red color against the background o f w hitish-gray areas o f the myocardium. In places, hemorrhages merge, forming a continuous field of dark red color.
forensic examination of a corpse, COVID-19, gender, hemorrhage, lung myocardium.References
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5. В Кыргызстане зарегистрирован первый случай коронавируса.
zaregistrirovan-pervye-3-sluchaia- koronavirusa/