Target: assess the consequences of prenatal fetal hypoxia. Materials and methods. The work is based on the analysis of statistical accounting form 32 "Health status of pregnant women in childbirth and newborns" for the period from 2017 to 2021. approved by the order of the Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 054 dated October 11, 2013.
Results and discussions. In Tajikistan, the number of live births ranges from 229,183 in 2017 to 231,018 in 2021, the dynamics for 5 years was +1835 cases, the T/inc. + 0.79%. Of the children born sick or ill in the perinatal period, 9038 (7.5%) died before the end of the neonatal period. The dynamics of this indicator for 5 years had a positive character +117 cases, the indicator Т/appr. +6.5%. Within 5 years, the number of stillbirths was 12284 cases, over the past 5 years, the number of stillbirths decreased by -162 cases, the indicator T / inc. also had a negative trend - 6.0%.
Conclusions. It was determined that within five years the number of children born sick or sick increased by 7428 (+3.2%) cases. With an increase in the absolute number of dead children in the NP by 117 cases, a decrease in the T / appr. by 22.2%. The absolute number of fetuses who died in the intranatal period increased by 111 cases, T/app. increased by +22.0%.
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