
The aim was to investigate the information content of the method of computer capillaroscopy of the nail bed, which allows to determine the state of the capillaries in real time. The method was applied in the examination of 238 patients aged 2 to 17 years with prolonged and chronic cough.
In the course of studying the structural features of the microvasculature in respiratory pathology of various genesis, we found that the capillary network in patients with allergic respiratory diseases had weak differentiation at the level of the 3rd capillary echelon, as well as a high incidence of morphologically altered capillaries (glomerular, arborescent) (p< 0.05). It was also found that in
allergic respiratory diseases, significant changes in the arterial part of the capillaries were detected
and the length of the perivascular zone was significantly higher, especially in bronchial asthma,
compared with that in patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system
In patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, a change in the
parameters of the venous section of the capillaries was more often observed, which may indicate a
decrease in the processes of adaptation of the capillary bed when exposed to an infectious agent. At
the same time, more pronounced morphological changes were characteristic of patients with lower
respiratory tract infections, in contrast to children with acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases of
the upper respiratory tract.
Thus, significant changes in the arterial part of the capillary network in patients with allergic
respiratory diseases, a significant increase in the length of the perivascular zone, indicating an
increase in the degree of hydration of the interstitial space due to chronic allergic inflammation, are convincingly shown, which can be used for differential and early diagnosis.


children, computer capillaroscopy, respiratory tract diseases, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, acute respiratory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.


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How to Cite

Мизерницкий, Ю., И. Мельникова, and Е. Удальцова. “COMPUTED CAPILLAROSCOPY IN CHILDREN IN THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES ACCOMPANIED BY PROLONGED COUGH ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 5, no. 5, Mar. 2024, pp. 96-99, doi:10.54890/.v5i5.1250.

