THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF FAMILY MEDICINE IN KYRGYZSTAN (on the materials of the 1st Congress of general practitioners and family doctors of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 29-30 October, 2015)



This paper presents review of the materials of the 1st Congress of general practitioners and family doctors of Kyrgyzstan that involved leaders of family medicine from 15 countries, including – for the first time in the history of family medicine of our country – representatives of the World organization of family doctors – WONCA: President Michael Kidd (Australia), President Elect Amanda Howe (Great Britain) and President of WONCA Europe Jacobus Metsemakers (Netherlands). The Congress raised discussion of the peculiarities of organization of family medicine, training of medical professionals and scientific research in the field of family medicine in the CIS countries and also future cooperation between WONCA and Associations of family doctors of CIS countries. The Congress became the first event held in the CIS ever that discussed challenges and opportunities of family medicine with involvement of the world leaders and leading experts of the Central Asia and CIS experts while shaping possible directions for future cooperation.


1st Congress of general practitioners and family doctors of Kyrgyzstan, WONCA, family medicine in CIS countries.


1. Материалы 1-го съезда врачей общей практики и семейных врачей Кыргызстана. (29-30 октября 2015 года, г.Бишкек)//Вестник КГМА имени И.К.Ахунбаева 2015, №3 (2), 120с.

2. Kidd M. From the President: Family Medicine reforms in Central Asia. WONCANews 2015, vol.41, No.10, p.2-5. Доступно на сайте:



How to Cite

Бримкулов, Н. “THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF FAMILY MEDICINE IN KYRGYZSTAN (on the Materials of the 1st Congress of General Practitioners and Family Doctors of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 29-30 October, 2015)”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Feb. 2024, pp. 115-8, doi:10.54890/.v3i3.1212.