A b stract. Painless m yocardial ischem ia (BIM ) significantly worsens the prognosis of patients w ith coronary heart disease, as shown by num erous clinical studies o f domestic and foreign cardiologists. Patients w ith BIM are at increased risk in terms o f the developm ent of cardiovascular complications as compared to patients who do not have episodes of ischemia. A.I. M artynov et al (1995) note that the risk o f sudden death in patients with BIM increases 5-6 times, the development of myocardial infarction and chronic heart failure - 1.5 times, m ore often there is a need for revascularization and / or repeated surgical intervention. A num ber o f researchers consider “silent” ischem ia to be a poor prognostic sign, since its presence is associated w ith an increased risk o f developing unstable angina pectoris, m yocardial infarction and sudden death. Since"mute" ischemia does not m anifest any discom fort in the region o f the heart, its im portance is often underestim ated.
painless m yocardial ischem ia (BIM), ischemic heart disease (CHD), Holter ECG monitoring, high altitude, risk factors.References
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