Article presents the influence results of different official drugs to anesthesia flow and postoperative pain syndrome expression. On the basis of conducted investigations the optimized approach to postoperative pain syndrome in Maxillo-Facial surgery where worked out and implemented to the clinical practice. Great effectiveness of NPVP for the Maxillo-Facial area postoperative pain syndrome prophylaxis were shown. Above mentioned Postoperative pain syndrome prophylaxis approach, allowed to reach Postoperative pain syndrome and Chronic Postoperative syndromes appearance frequency decreasing. Application of worked out anesthetic methods allowed increasing of Maxillo-Facial area postoperative patients treatment effectiveness. On the basis of data obtained conclusion about that drugs as postoperative analgesics using scheme expediency were conducted.
non-steroid antiinflammative preparations, pain, postoperative wound local irrigation, visual- analog scale, forestall analgesiaReferences
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