

The article discusses the results of scatological and pathoanatomical studies of dog feces from the districts of the Osh and Naryn regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. In the Osh region, the incidence of Taenia species (Taenia sp.): eggs in dogs was established: during a scatological examination – 10.3±1.2%, during a postmortem autopsy – 24±4.1%. In Osh region, out of 104 examined dogs, 10.5% were infested with Echinococcus granulosus, and 13.4% with Echinococcus multilocularis. The most affected by E. granulosus were dogs from the villages of Sary-Tash and Chon Kara-Kol of the Alai region, where the infestation of animals was 33.3% and 12.5%, respectively, and in the village of Kashka-Suu of the Chon-Alai region - 14.5%. In the Naryn region, a scatological examination of feces revealed the infestation of dogs with Taenia sp. eggs – 9.6%, with a postmortem autopsy – 47.5%. E. multilocularis was found in all surveyed settlements: p. Bash-Kaiyndy, At-Bashy urban-type settlement, Acha-Kaiyndy village - 40% each, Tash-Bashat village - 50%, Naryn city - 33.3%. Synanthropic foci of alveococcosis were revealed.


autopsy, alveococcus, helminths, echinococcus, synanthropic focus, infestation, natural focus.


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How to Cite

Раимкулов, К., М. . Исаев, О. Куттубаев, and В. . Тойгомбаева. “EPIZOOTIC SITUATION ON HELMINTHOSIS IN DOGS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC ON THE EXAMPLE OF OSH AND NARYN REGIONS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, Dec. 2023, pp. 202-9, doi:10.54890/.v4i4.1083.

