Differential diagnostics of clinical and laboratory data was carried out in 665 children and teenagers diagnosed with Measles and Parvovirus B-19 infection, who were hospitalized at the Republican Clinical Hospital for the period from 2018 to 2022. Among the observed patients, patients with measles amounted to 619 people, and patients with parvovirus infection B-19 - 46. The epidemiological features of these diseases are considered in detail. The age structure of the compared exanthems, the features of the seasonal rise in the disease, as well as the frequency of identified contacts with an infectious patient are presented. The most important features of the clinical course of measles and parvovirus B-19 infection in children and adolescents have been identified. Specific, pathognomonic symptoms were described that were characteristic of each of the considered viral diseases. During the analysis of statistical data, the chances and risks of developing severe forms of the disease, as well as complications from measles and parvovirus B-19 infection, were presented. From laboratory research methods, PCR and ELISA methods were used to confirm the etiology of the diagnosis. Also, general clinical and biochemical research methods were used as a comparison in the two observed groups of patients. The results obtained will improve differential diagnosis and timely prescribe adequate treatment.
measles, parvovirus infection B-19, fifth exanthema, infectious erythema, children, teenagers, epidemiology, clinic, diagnostics.References
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