The aim of the study was to optimize diagnostic monitoring, preoperative preparation, and choice of surgical treatment tactics for patients with hepatic echinococcosis and cirrhosis, which developed as a result. The report is based on the results of the treatment of 578 patients operated in the clinic. The diagnosis of liver cirrhosis before the operation was established in 14 cases, and intraoperatively in 8 cases. Noncommercial fibrin glue was used to stop the bleeding. A suspension of mononuclear cells prepared from the recipient's blood was used to activate the reparative processes and to prevent postoperative complications, which improved the treatment results. Liver cirrhosis is not a contraindication to echinococectomy. Diagnostic monitoring should include the full arsenal of available tools. Minimized surgical tactics and intensive postoperative treatment allows to achieve good results and reduce postoperative mortality.
echinococcosis, liver cirrhosis, surgical treatment.References
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