The purpose of this study is to improve the results of surgical treatment of bleeding from the upper abdominal cavity in patients with cirrhosis through the use of active surgical tactics and a combined method of performing the operation.
An analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 62 patients with cirrhosis complicated by bleeding from the urinary tract, hospitalized at the Scientific Clinical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic named after. M. Mamakeev. The control group consisted of 20 patients who were operated on according to M.D. Patsiora at a later stage due to the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. In the main group of 42 patients with bleeding from the RVV, active surgical tactics were used using a combined method. The operation of M.D. Patsior was supplemented by the intraoperative introduction of a solution of ethoxysclerol in the form of microfoam into the veins of the esophagus above the ligatures and devascularization of the stomach. In the postoperative period, the effectiveness of hemostasis, the frequency of recurrence of gastrointestinal tract in the immediate and long-term periods were assessed, endoscopic monitoring of the condition of the esophageal mucosa was carried out after 6 months and after a year.
It was established that the choice of surgical tactics in favor of early surgical intervention in addition to a combined method allowed to improve the results of treatment of patients with cirrhosis with bleeding from the urinary tract. Postoperative mortality in the control and main groups was 60% and 9.5%, one-year survival rate in the control group was 37.5%, in the main group – 71.4%, respectively.
cirrhosis, esophageal and gastric varices, esophageal-gastric bleeding, surgical tactics.References
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