

The aim is to study the difficulties of diagnosing echinococcosis of the liver and lungs, to evaluate the results of surgical treatment. Materials and methods. 47 patients with echinococcosis of the liver and lungs were operated on, 31 of them were diagnosed with echinococcosis of the liver, 9 - of the liver and lungs and 7 - of the lungs only. All patients underwent CT of the thoracic and abdominal cavities with bolus amplification. In surgical treatment, both traditional "open access" (80.85%) and mini-invasive (19.15%) were used. The immediate results of surgical treatment have been studied. Results. CT sensitivity for the diagnosis of echinococcal liver cysts was 93.02%, for the diagnosis of parasitic lung lesions - 80%. In the postoperative period, complications developed in seven cases (11.48%). Conclusion. CT sensitivity in the diagnosis of echinococcosis of the liver is higher than that of the lungs. There was no statistically significant difference in the number of postoperative complications depending on surgical access ("open" operations or mini-invasive).


echinococcosis of the liver and lungs, surgical treatment.


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How to Cite

Котельникова, Л., and С. Плаксин. “DIFFICULTIES OF DIAGNOSIS AND RESULTS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ECHINOCOCCOSIS OF THE LIVER AND LUNGS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, Nov. 2023, pp. 52-60, doi:10.54890/.v4i4.1051.

