
Resume: Despite the development of high-tech methods for treatment of urethral strictures, the frequency of recurrence of urethral strictures is not decreasing today. As a rule, with traumatic damages of the urethra, in most cases, due to the lack of timely, qualified surgical treatment, cicatrical narrowing and obliteration of the urethra develop. In this paper, the main ethiopathogenetic factors of urethral strictures are.


urethras stricture, trauma, obliteration, surgical treatment, prevention, relapse.

Author Biographies

M.B. Abdykalykov, Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining

Department of Specialized Surgical Care

V.N. Evsukov, Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining

Department of Specialized Surgical Care

U. Asylbek uulu , Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining

Department of Specialized Surgical Care


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How to Cite

Абдыкалыков, М. ., В. . Евсюков, А. Оскон уулу, and У. Асилбек уулу. “SOME FEATURES OF PATHOGENETIC FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF RECURRENCE OF URETHRAL STRICTURES IN THE LONG-TERM POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Nov. 2023, pp. 114-7, doi:10.54890/.v3i3.1009.

