We analyze the results of surgical treatment of 300 patients with chronic duodenal obstruction. In the control group was 215 and the core 85 patients. In chronic duodenal obstruction in the compensated stage of a dissection conducted Treitz ligament. In chronic duodenal obstruction in sub- and decompensated stage created TADES. To prevent the development of the syndrome of «vicious circle» when applied TADES created a «plug» outlet duodenal loop of strands of the greater omentum on the leg, narrowing the lumen of the colon to complete its closing according to our methodology. Analysis of postoperative complications in patients with chronic duodenal obstruction in the control group, pancreatitis occurred in 11 (5.1%) and in the main group in 2 (2.3%), anastomositis met in 10 (4.7%) in the control group, in the main in 2 (2.3%). Gastrostasis in the control group occurred in 6 (2.8%), the main group in 1 (1.2%) patients. We believe that the reduction of postoperative complications is the result of the operation TADES with plug outlet for our method loop.
сhronic duodenal obstruction, arteriomezenterical compression, duodenal reflux, tubeless and tube relaxation duodenography, fibrogastroendoscopy, dissection of Treitz ligamentReferences
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