Estimation of efficiency of realization of the educational program of “ School of hypertonic “ on adherence to treatment of patients with mild and moderate arterial high blood pressure in the conditions of policlinic. All patients, along with the identification of risk factors, physical examination was performed, blood pressure was measured by an office, with measurements of adherence to treatment of the MoriscGreen, organized educational program “School of hypertonic” in the city polyclinic. Implementation of the system of training of hypertensive patients improves the treatment of hypertension by increasing the number of patients involved in the responsible control of the disease increases the awareness and skills of self-control disease, improve quality of life and complaiance. Analysis of the results of the “School of hypertonic” for hypertensive patients demonstrated its high efficiency in terms of raising the level of knowledge of patients, which was accompanied by an increase in the proportion of patients receiving antihypertensive therapy and regular self- onitoring of blood pressure producing.
hypertension, patients educationReferences
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