
Goal: comparative evaluation of strength properties and composition of the osteoplastic materials after putting them to the compression test, with taking into account their anisotropic properties. We studied samples of a human femur and samples of a cow femur. And for the comparative analysis of indicators, there was some steel No. 3 taken in addition. The test was carried out on a tensile testing machine P-50. The measurements of the samples were taken by means of the use of calipers. During the test, the behavior of the samples under stress was monitored by means of a diagram. The strength properties were studied through compressing the bone tissue samples and simultaneous automatic recording a deformation diagram. The mechanical characteristics were calculated by means of a compression diagram, they are: proportionality point, breaking point, relative deformation up to failure and Young's modulus. The changes of the morphology of the surface of bone materials were studied. All received data were tabulated. Studying the physical and mechanical properties of femoral samples provides an idea of the influence of deforming factors on the structure and properties of bone tissue.


bone tissue, injuries, steel, press, physical and mechanical properties, mechanics

Author Biographies

K.Y. Bogomolets, Kyrgyz state medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Faculty Pediatrics

R.E. Abirova, Kyrgyz state medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Faculty Pediatrics

E.Sh. Alymbaev, Kyrgyz state medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Faculty Pediatrics

Т.Т. Kozhoshov, Kyrgyz state medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Faculty Pediatrics


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How to Cite

Богомолец, К. ., Р. Э. . Абирова, . Э. . Алымбаев, and Т. . Кожошов. “BONE MATERIAL TEST FOR STRENGTH. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOMECHANICAL INDICATORS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Sept. 2021, pp. 127-3, doi:10.54890/.v1i1.70.

