Abstract. This article presents the results of the study of 139 newborn children who were on artificial lung ventilation (ALV) carried out on the basis of neonatology intensive care unit of the State Children's Clinical Hospital of Bishkek. The original modified method (patent KR №2227 dd 30.10.2020) of sterile taking of tracheal aspirate by vacuum collection without taking the endotracheal tube, traumatization and anesthesia is presented and the obtained data are discussed in comparison with taking tracheal aspirate by the traditional method. To prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia in newborns, irrigation of the oral and nasal mucosa with 0.05% chlorhexidine aqueous solution is suggested.
prevention, ventilator-associated pneumonia, newborn, premature, full-term, pathogens, diagnostics, chlorhexidine.References
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