Abstract. In order to identify the peculiarities of the formation of injuries in cyclists in the conditions of collisions of moving bicycles with each other and with stationary obstacles, the authors analyzed the results of the conclusions of forensic medical examinations, in relation to cyclists who have suffered various degrees of injury with these types of bicycle injuries. The cyclists were males aged 46 to 81 years, did not have a helmet and other protective equipment, and were in seasonal clothing. It has been established that the diagnosis of injuries in cyclists affected by collisions of moving bicycles with each other can be based on the nature and localization of the structure of the head, taking into account the peculiarities of skin damage. In the conditions of collisions of moving bicycles with stationary vehicles, cyclists may experience damage to the skin in the form of multiple abrasions and bruises in the head, face and limbs, as well as severe fractures of the bones of the forearms and lower ribs. At the same time, there may be no damage to the structure of the head, lower limbs or internal organs, which are more often observed in other types of bicycle injuries.
bicycle injuries, types damages, mechanism, diagnostics.References
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