Relevance. Acute non-epidemic inNjammation of the parotid salivary glandhave a diΧerent etiology and a rather diverse clinical picture. Quite often, their treatment ends with either failure or short success, which requires new, more eΧective treatment methods.Objective. To suggest and appreciate the clinical eΧectiveness of Erbisol class and traumel C drugs in the treatment of acute non-epidemic inNjammation of the parotid salivary gland.
Materials and methods. In patients with acute non-epidemic inNjammation of the parotid salivary gland, extra erbisol, erbisol and traumel C preparations were used with local (dressings and electrophoresis) and somatic administration with long treatment courses to eliminate inNjammatory
signs and normalize salivation.
Results. The proposed fragment of the treatment protocol showed the high e○ciency of traumel C, extra erbisol and erbisol. The methods of their use are quite simple and can be used by patients on their own. Conclusion. We consider it appropriate to oΧer the described treatment regimen to a wide professional circle and to continue a deeper scientiʮc development in this direction.
inflammation of the parotid salivary gland, erbisol, traumel С electrophoresisReferences
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