
Resume. The article is devoted to the problem of treatment of neurogenic bladder dysfunction. The paper proposes a list of necessary non-invasive methods for examining patients to assess functional disorders of the bladder dysfunction and enuresis in children, depending on the form of dysfunction. Complex phased multidirectional therapy, which allows to influence all links of the pathological chain, improved the results of treatment and gave a long-term positive effect in the observed patients.


neurogenic bladder dysfunction, enuresis, lower urinary tract urodynamics, pyelonephritis, uroflowmetry, children.


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How to Cite

Омурбеков, Т., М. Арбаналиев, В. Порощай, С. Эмиросланова, and Е. Хегай. “TREATMENT OF VARIOUS FORMS OF NEUROGENIC BLADDER DYSFUNCTION IN CHILDREN”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, Feb. 2023, pp. 93-100, doi:10.54890/.v4i4.449.

