The Protocol of a smgle-center, parallel, four-branch randomized controlled trial provides a research plan for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of various types of treatment for traumatic hemothorax: puncture, drainage, thoracoscopic and thoracotomy. Depending on the treatment method used to eliminate hemothorax and achieve hemostasis, all patients will be divided into 4 groups: group 1 - treatment of hemothorax will be carried out using pleural punctures; Group 2 - treatment of hemothorax will be carried out using drainage of the pleural cavity according to Bulau; 3 group - hemothorax treatment will be carried out using thoracotomy; Group 4 - treatment of hemothorax will be carried out using thoracoscopic operations. The effectiveness of conservative treatment with punctures and drainage of the pleural cavity, as well as treatment using chemical fibrinolysis, video thoracoscopy and thoracotomy, will be evaluated, and indications for these treatment methods will be determined.
hemothorax, pleural puncture, thoracoscopic operation.References
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