
Abstract. The literature review presents the role of anti-adhesion barrier drugs in the prevention of adhesions in the abdominal cavity. The use of barriers di͊ers from other methods in that they themselves do not a͊ect the healing process, but potentially separate opposing surfaces during healing. Despite the fact that many experts are working on the problem of combating the formation of adhesions around the world, the question remains open, relevant and requires future study.


adhesive disease, anti-adhesion barrier agents, prevention of adghesions.


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How to Cite

Сопуев, А., Н. Маматов, М. Ормонов, М. Эрнисова, Э. Кудаяров, and А. . Бауров. “BARRIER DRUGS IN THE PREVENTION OF ADHESIONS OF THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, June 2021, pp. 46-55, doi:10.54890/.v3i3.40.

