

Abstract. Surgical dental management of patients with hemophilia complicated by the multiple infection focus in the oral cavity still remains a complicated task. Objective: Optimization of socket management after tooth extraction in patients with hemophilia by using PRF. Materials and methods. We performed surgical treatment (tooth extraction) of four patients with hemophilia, of the average age of 44. In order to optimize the healing of the sockets PRF was used. Planimetric measurements were used to fix the epithelization period on the day of the operation and on the 5th day after the operation. Results. According to the results of our study, the average wound healing speed in patients where a PRF clot was used was 12.6% per day. In patients whose socket was gone under its own clot healing speed was 8.7%. None of the patients reported bleeding in the postoperative period. The development of hematomas was also not noted. Conclusions. PRF-clot can be used in patients with hemophilia as a wound dressing after tooth extraction without risk of developing infectious complications; a PRF-clot does not interfere with the epithelization of the socket after tooth extraction and has a certain hemostatic effect; a socket filled with a PRF-clot heals 1.4 times faster in patients with hemophilia than a socket remaining under its own blood clot.


platelet-rich fibrin, PRF, hemophilia A.


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How to Cite

Шинкевич, Д., and Н. Чобанян. “EXPERIENCE OF REMOVING TEETH WITH THE APPLICATION OF A BANDAGE FROM PLATELETE-RICH FIBRIN (PRF) IN PATIENTS WITH HEMOPHILIA ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Dec. 2022, pp. 80-84, doi:10.54890/.v3i3.386.

