
Summary. Diabetic foot syndrome is one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus, the treatment of which is complex and lengthy, despite the many developed medications. Wound healing is slow and progression of inflammation is often observed. More effective treatments are being sought. The purpose of the work is to present the results of complex treatment of complicated forms of diabetic foot syndrome. Research methods: anamnesis of the disease, examination, determination of all types of sensitivity, vascular pulsations, ultrasound dopplerography and angiography. To assess the course of the wound process, clinical indicators were used (disappearance of edema, hyperemia, the amount of discharge, the timing of wound cleansing, the appearance of granulation and epithelialization, the duration of inpatient treatment), cytological and bacteriological examination of wound discharge, wound size. Results: in the treatment of 108 patients with DFS complicated by a purulent-necrotic process, local therapy was used, which included ozonized solutions, dimexide solution, ozonated oil and infrared irradiation of the wound, as well as general treatment aimed at lowering blood sugar levels, improving blood supply to soft tissues and an increase in immunological reactivity, as well as a decrease in endotoxicosis. Amputations of the femur and lower leg accounted for 4.9%, and repeated operations 5.2% of the number of operated patients. Conclusion. The use of the method of local and general
treatment developed by us made it possible to achieve better results, high hip amputations were noted in 4.9%, and there were no deaths.


diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndrome, conservative and surgical treatment, dimexide, infrared radiation.


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