Annotation. Nowadays dentin hypersensitivity is an urgent problem for patients of various age
groups. The market of individual oral hygiene products provides us a wide choice of toothpastes that
can reduce a teeth sensivity to mechanical and temperature influences. The question of the
effectiveness of the use of various desensitizing toothpastes is still debatable, due to the fact that the
mechanism of desensitizing toothpaste action directly depends on its composition, the size and shape
of the particles of the desensitizing components and its acid resistance in the oral cavity. We
conducted a systematic review, which includes modern randomized controlled and cohort studies, in
order to find the most effective desensitizing components of toothpastes.
dentin hypersensivity, sensitive teeth, obturation of dentinal tubules, desensitizing toothpastes.References
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