Annotation: It was analyzed clinical data and results of management in 104 series with acute stage of Skull Brain injury. Patients admitted with deep disturbances of consciousness: in spoor 17 patients (7-9 scores according to the Glasgow coma scale), in coma of 1-2nd grade 67 patients and in coma of 2-3rd grade 42 patients (305 scores according to the Glasgow coma scale). The Brain contusion of different location was diagnosed in all patients: single – 68, multiple – 37, in combination with epidural and subdural haematomas – 93, combined with intracerebral and ventricular hemorrhages – 34, signs of diffuse axonal injury and brain stem contusion – 9 patients.
Skull Brain injury, disturbances of consciousness, coma, sopor, intracranial hemorrhages, outcome, prognosis.References
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