
The aim of the study was to optimize the protocol for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with
severe periodontitis by reducing the number of surgical procedures and the duration of complex
treatment. Material and research methods. Surgical treatment in 17 patients was performed in one
(n=14), two procedures (n=3), 145 teeth were removed, 33 sinus lifts were performed, 164 Straumann
implants were installed. Osteoplasty with collagen without the use of membranes. Prosthetics, with
the exception of one case, with non-removable ceramic structures. Research results and discussion.
On average, 8 teeth were removed per operation, 8 implants were installed. In just one operation, an
average of 17 manipulations were performed. Osseointegration occurred in 99% of cases, prosthetics
in 70% of cases - 3-4 months after the operation. There was no difference between the efficiency of
delayed implantation (100%) and immediate implantation (96%). Plastic surgery with collagen
materials demonstrated manufacturability and predicted results. Other important aspects of the
protocol are discussed. Conclusion. Implantation in patients with periodontitis is possible after
extraction of teeth according to an immediate protocol. Comprehensive treatment in patients with
severe periodontitis may consist of one or two operations and end with prosthetics as early as three or four months after the start of treatment. The proposed algorithm should be considered as a
specialized assistance and can be performed by any surgeon who has the appropriate qualifications
and experience in the field of periodontics and implantology.


treatment of periodontitis, multiple teeth extraction, simultaneous implantation, osteoplasty of jaws, prosthetics of edentulous jaws.

Author Biography

A.V. Shchipskiy, A.I. Yevdokimov MSMSU MOH Russia

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Щипский, А. “SIMULTANEOUS IMPLANTATION IN PATIENTS WITH SEVERE GENERALIZED PERIODONTITIS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, Oct. 2022, pp. 26-33, doi:10.54890/.v2i2.289.

