STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTIC OF DEATH ROAD TRAUMATISM (for 2000 and 2007-2010, the materials of the RCFME MH KR)
Resume: The article contains data on the analysis of the deadly auto trauma for 2000 and 2007-2010. It is established that for the analyzed years only 8659 (100%) forensic medical investigations of corpses were carried out, of which 436 deaths (5.03%) were caused by auto-trauma. The most common causes of death were cerebral trauma 247 cases (56.6%), followed by traumatic shock 90 cases (20.6%) and blood loss 34 cases (7.8%). From auto-trauma more often male faces die in young and working age from 17 to 58 years 358 cases (82.0%). In the state of alcoholic intoxication, 165 (37.7%) of the deceased were in various degrees, in 1 (0.2%) cases in the state of intoxication. There are a significant number of deaths in autumn and winter (148 cases in autumn (34.0%), winter 107 cases (24.5%), respectively).
road traumatism, cause of death, age, sex, alcoholic intoxication.References
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