For many years, research on various components of blood, the cardiovascular system, and
pulmonary pathology in mountainous conditions has occupied one of the leading places in
medical science. In recent years, due to the development of the mining sector, the
development of tourism and the growth of the population, we have seen an increase in
migration to mountainous areas, which prompts us to study in detail various pathologies in
terms of the influence of mountain conditions. Purpose of the study: to determine the
characteristics of coagulogram parameters in patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
complicated by bleeding, in persons living in mountainous conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Materials and methods: the development included 65 patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer
complicated by bleeding, living in the Naryn region (high mountainous conditions) and the
city of Bishkek (low mountainous conditions), who were hospitalized in surgical departments.
The study used anamnesis data, the results of objective and endoscopic studies, laboratory
data and indicators of the state of the hemostasis system. Results: as a result of the study, it
was found that in high mountainous conditions there are higher levels of hemoglobin (by
8.2%), erythrocytes (by 6.5%), platelets (by 17.6%), thrombocrit (by 28%). In high
mountainous conditions, the activity of the external hemostasis system is higher than in the
group of patients in the low-mountain group (by 17.8%). In high mountainous conditions, the
activity of the internal hemostasis system is higher than in the group of patients in the low-
mountain group (by 26%).
ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, complications, bleeding, mountain conditions, clinic, diagnostics, platelets, hemostasis.References
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