Introduction. Due to the new opportunities that have opened up thans to the advent of
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the arsenal of diagnostic tools. With the introduction of CT and MRI, the reliability of information increased
to 82-93%.
The aim of the study: To improve the diagnosis and increase the effectiveness of surgical
treatment of patients with disc hernias in the lumbar spine by studying the relationship of
clinical manifestations and the results of the applied research and treatment methods.
Materials and methods: The work includes the results of data analysis of a complex of
clinical, diagnostic examinations and surgical treatment of 139 patients with neurological
complications of herniated lumbar intervertebral discs and received inpatient (operative - 116
(83.5%) and conservative – 23 (16.5%) patients) in neurosurgery departments. The age of the
patients ranged from 19 to 72 years.
Results. By using a highly informative MRI method, the dependence of the severity of pain
syndrome and sensitive disorders on the number of levels of disc damage, their localization
in the diameter of the spinal canal and their size was determined. The severity of pain and
sensory disorders depended on the number of prolapsed discs.
Conclusion: The optimal algorithm for examining patients before deciding on neurosurgical
intervention for herniated lumbar intervertebral discs includes radiography of the lumbar
spine, MRI of the spinal cord and spinal column, and, if indicated, magnetic resonance
lumbar disc herniations, surgical management, management outcome, recurrences.References
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