The purpose of the study: to study the clinical and laboratory features of the course of chronic viral hepatitis B (HVB) in elderly patients in the Kyrgyz Republic. Material and methods. The case histories of 200 patients with HVB were analyzed (95 men (47.5%) and 105 women (52.5%), aged 28 to 75 years (average age – 55 years). All the studied patients with HVB were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (main group) consisted of 100 elderly patients (over 60 years old), group 2 included 100 patients under the age of 60 (control group). In addition to general clinical and standard laboratory examinations, all subjects underwent enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for markers of viral hepatitis B, C, D, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (qualitative and quantitative PCR) for markers of viral replication with an assessment of viral load, as well as liver fibroelastometry to verify the stage of fibrosis. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the STATISTICA 10.0 program. Results. In elderly patients, CHB in most cases occurs due to co-infection with the delta agent (67%). The main route of infection is through surgical interventions (including dental) (47%). There is a high frequency of comorbidity due to the frequency of combination with hypertension (38%) and CKD (16%) with increased levels of creatinine and residual nitrogen. Conclusion: among elderly patients with CHBV, the clinical picture is dominated by dyspeptic icteric and cholestatic syndromes with increased alkaline phosphatase, and advanced stages of liver fibrosis are more often detected.
old age, viral hepatitis B., features of the course, multimorbidityReferences
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