Summary. The decline in birth rates and increased life expectancy on a global scale hasled to an increase in the proportion of people over the age of 60 years. This situation is observed in our country, as evidenced by the presence of 8 rest houses, in which more than 700 people of elderly and old age live. The number of elderly and old age under the guardi anship or supervision of homecare is not known. With inadequate care and harsh treatment of them, various injuries occur in the form of alimentary dystrophy, cachexia, and bedsores, which can be the direct cause of death of such persons. The fact of evidence of such changes in the body of elderly and old aged persons belongs to the forensic experts, and law enforcers must give a legal assessment of the actions. It is recommended that the legal form of legal responsibility for the inadequate care and harsh treatment of the elderly and old age people.
the elderly, the old-aged, inadequate care and harsh treatment, forensic med ical examination, bedsore, complications, causes of death.References
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