Resume. Summary: The article presents a clinical observation of retroperitoneal mature teratoma with suppuration in a 30-year-old patient with a rare variant of tumor localization (type 4). Initially, the patient was operated thrice with suspected cystic formation of pelvic region. An magnetic resonance tomography revealed a cystic formation that completely occupied the pelvic floor, probably benign, displacing the uterus and appendages upward, and the rectum anteriorly. The identified presumably benign tumor was completely removed by less traumatic laparotomic access. The postoperative period was uneventful, and was discharged on the 9th day in a satisfactory condition. The tumor was a cystic mass consisting of one large cyst, with a thick creamy, dirty yellow color with purulent contents in a volume of 500 ml. at present, there is no pathology with ultrasound, the uterus and rectum are locat ed in typical places, there is no dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
teratoma, retroperitoneal space, suppuration, diagnostics, surgical treatment, relapse.References
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