
On the basis of retrospective analysis of 249 cases with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage,
trustworthiness of ICH Score in the prognosis of disease outcome was tested using Glasgow
Outcome Scale. Comparative analysis of data showed that increasing marks by ICH Score was
correlating with worsening of disease outcome. Also comparative analysis of results of the surgery
and conservative treatment methods is conducted. The data showed that patients with 0 point
marked by TCH Score should be treated using conservative method, for patients with ICH 1 and
2 points necessary urgent surgery for extracting intracerebral hemorrhage in the early period of
the disease.


intracerebral hemorrhage, surgery, conservative treatment, prognosis.


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How to Cite

Ырысов, К. ., А. Джамгырчиева, and Б. . Турганбаев. “PROGNOSTIC CRITERIAS IN PATIENTS WITH HYPERTENSIVE INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE.”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 54-56,

