Summary. DM 2 is often combined with cardio vascular diseases (CVD) that promotes progressing of complications. Maintaining such category of patients considerably becomes complicated in out-patient conditions for various reasons. Purpose: to study features of clinical laboratory indicators at patients with a in out-patient conditions of Almaty depending on existence of the accompanying CVD and duration of a disease of DM type 2. All patients with the DM 2 examined by us in out-patient conditions of the city of Almaty have the accompanying cardiac vascular diseases, from them the Arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease are in the lead. With increase in duration of DM 2, the number of the patients having at the same time and cardio- vascular diseases also increases. Average glycohemoglobin index was higher than target. A DM 2, being a self contained factor of high and very high risks warmly vascular disease, will strengthen the influence on progressing of the available cardiovascular complications in out-patient conditions.
diabetes mellitus type 2, outpatient conditions, cardiovascular diseases.References
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