The aim of our research was to study the prevalence of main risk factors o f non-infectious diseases among medical students in Kyrgyzstan.The participants of the study were 643 students of 1-6 courses of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, including 234 boys and 409 girls, their middle age was 20,1 ± 2,2 years. Students had to fill out special «health improvement card» to evaluate life style/behavioral risk factors. Biological risk factors were examined by measuring blood pressure, body mass index, glucose and cholesterol. Among the students relatively high frequency o f various risk factors o f non-infectious diseases, including high cholesterol (11.8%) and sugar (3.2%) o f blood, smoking (10%), overweight (7.4%), physical inactivity ( 6.4%), increased systolic (4.2%) and diastolic (2.8%) blood pressure were identified. The high frequency o f risk factors o f non-infectious diseases requires to improve the teaching o f medical students issues the prophylactic method o f prevention of non-infectious diseases and improving their competence in the area o f formation healthy life styles.
non-infectious diseases, medical students, risk factors o f non-infectious diseases.References
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