
Resume. For thyroid hypofunction studying and coronary angiography results in patients with coronary heart disease we conducted a retrospective study. We analyzed patients histories. In all patients thyroid stimulating hormone examination and coronary angiography was provided. We defined a correlation between the worse results o f coronary angiography and low function of thyroid gland. Hence, these is an opportunity o f participation of hypothyroidism in atherogenesis development.


coronary heart disease, the risk factors of coronary' heart disease, thyroid, subclinical hypothyroidism, coronary angiography.


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How to Cite

Дуйшеева, . Г., Н. Леонтьева, . З. Саткыналиева, and Калиев P. “THE RESEARCH ON THYROID STATUS AND CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY RESULTS IN PATIENTS WITH CORONARY HEART DISEASE”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4(1), Oct. 2024, pp. 46-50,

