
With aim to modification modes of plastic for strangulated inguinal hernia at children. There were 410 children with strangulated inguinal hernia which received surgical treatment. Hospital of emergency help in the years 2010-2012. In the age under 1 years -28,3% , 1-3 years-41,4% , 3-7 years-24,7 %, after 7 years-5,6 %. There were 91,2% boys and 8,8% girls. Because of dissection of anterior inguinal wall we discovered new plastic in inguinal canal which decrease the number of complications. There were no any complications after of plastic.


inguinal hernia, children strangulation, plastic of inguinal canal.

Author Biography

J.M. Minbaev, The Children’s Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bishkek, I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy

department of children surgery, chief of department


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How to Cite

Минбаев, Ж. . “STRANGULATED INGUINAL HERNIA AT CHILDREN”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4(2), Oct. 2024, pp. 39-40,

