Resume: The investigation tasks were to observe congenital malformation prevalence in the regions o f Ukraine, to indicate their risk factors and to estimate the efficacy o f their primary and secondary prophylaxis.
According to the Ministry of Healthcare data the frequency of congenital malformations was estimated among born alive, stillborne and genetically caused abortions during 2002-2011. Case-control study was performed.
Congenital malformations prevalence among born alive, still-borne and genetically caused abortions was (26,83±0,08) %o during 2002-2011, it was fluctuated in different regions. Congenital malformations priority risk factors were underlined; they were mother’s chronicle infectious and non-infectious diseases (including endocrine diseases), smoking, professional hazards and age.
The efficacy of congenital malformations primary and secondary prophylaxis was shown.
congenital malformations, prevalence, risk factors, primary and secondary prophylaxis.References
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