Patients with high myopia up to 10,0D - 9 patients, (18 eyes) and above 10,0D - 21 patients, (42 eyes) conducted and antioxidant therapy. Before and after treatment were determined by indicators of lipid peroxidation in tears HPL, NL, DK, OR. There is a significant decrease in performance HPL and the NL in both groups after treatment. Thus, if the pre-treatment of patients with myopia above 10,0D figures were - 0,89 ± 0,22 and 1,67 ± 0,12, after treatment 0,76 ± 0,13 and 1,62 ± 0,13. The significant decrease in OI after treatment was found among patients with myopia up to 10,0D in both periods of observation. Thus, an antioxidant therapy significantly improves metabolic processes among patients with high complicated myopia. The duration of the therapeutic effect after treatment in patients ascertained for six months.
antioxidant therapy, high complicated myopia, the products of lipid peroxidation (LPO)References
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