The lists of the main sources of soil pollution on the territory of Uzbekistan are determined by a complex of national economic, socio-economic, soil-climatic and sanitary-hygienic local conditions that have developed in connection with the development of agriculture and industry, the organization of sanitary cleaning of populated areas of the republic. The current state of the soil is alarming because over the past 30-50 years the soil has been subject to salinization, water and wind erosion, and contamination with heavy metals, fluorides and agrochemicals. Particular importance is attached to the protection of agricultural lands and the protection of soils in populated areas. The purpose of the study was a hygienic assessment of the sanitary condition of the soil in various regions of Tashkent. Materials and methods. To study the sanitary condition of the soil, samples were taken from the following 4 points in Tashkent: soil from places where crop products were produced; soil from the territory of industrial enterprises; soil in the zone of influence of industrial enterprises and transport routes; soil from residential areas, including from the territories of children's institutions and playgrounds. Studies have been carried out to determine the content of pesticides, heavy metal salts, radioactive substances in the soil, and bacteriological indicators using generally accepted methods. Results of the study: the results of a study of the sanitary condition of the soil in various regions of Tashkent are presented. Conclusions. Most of the selected soil samples did not meet hygienic requirements in terms of bacteriological indicators. Other indicators: i.e. the amount of pesticides, salts of heavy metals and radioactive substances, the number of helminths in all soil samples met the hygienic requirements.
soil, pollution, pesticides, salts of heavy metals, helminths, radioactive substances, microorganisms, bacteriological indicators.References
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