The article provides data on the distribution of Brucella species among humans and farm animals circulating in the Kyrgyz Republic. According to the results of molecular genetic analyses performed by different authors, Brucella cultures isolated from humans were attributed only to B. melitensis species, isolates isolated from farm animals indicated circulation of both Brucella species. Of the 443 strains obtained from small ruminants 427 (96.3%) were identified as B. melitensis and 16 (3.6%) strains were assigned to B. abortus. On typing of 30 brucella strains from cattle, 11 (37%) were attributed to B. abortus and 19 samples (63%) were attributed to B. melitensis. Also, data on migration of B. melitensis to cattle and migration of B. abortus to small ruminants are presented. B. melitensis migration to cattle and B. abortus migration to small ruminants. The results of full generation sequences of the brucellosis strains isolated from humans were identified as B. melitensis and showed the identity of the brucellosis pathogen strains with the strains circulating in the Eastern Mediterranean countries with the greatest similarity to the strains from Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey.
brucellosis, genotyping, Brucella melitensis, Brucella abortus, Kyrgyzstan.References
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